B2B Nasional - Indonesia

Benefit from excellent conditions offered by our global Yellow Pages platform and present your business to international buyers.

Service description

10x more traffic

With a service package, you always appear ahead of the free company profiles.

Company presentation

Present your company and your products with pictures, descriptions, videos, certificates and products.

Kesempatan sukses yang maksimal

Boost your national visibility. Connect with B2B purchase decision makers.

Your advantages

  • Your company is listed on one of 55 Yellow Pages websites depending on your company address
  • Better visibility in general search engines
  • Your profile is available in up to 36 language versions
  • Your business page will be placed on top of search results on Yellow Pages network
  • Showcase up to 100 products which you offer

Service description

We will add your Yellow Pages business profile to our search engine. Benefit from enhanced online reach and demand from decision-makers and acquire new customers.

B2B Nasional
Your company profile is displayed in search results

In the country where the business is registered

Number of products you can add to your
online products catalogue


Your detailed contact information is displayed in
your company profile.
You present your company with your corporate
You can manually place as many product, company,
services images as you wish.
You can provide videos and PDF product catalogs.
Premium business page
Disabled custom advertising on your business page
Your company will be displayed on the first
page of search results in your category.
29,95 USD / bulan
Price for startup company
For companies that are less than 2 years on the market
9.95 USD / bulan
Mulai sekarang

Agency solutions

Are you looking for a solution to boost the visibility of your B2B clients?

We provide personalised solutions you can use to create Yellow Pages pages for your clients and manage them efficiently.

Become a partner